Pin code of Mullana Post Office, Ambala, along with its address, contact details & location.

Mullana Pin Code

The following table displays Pin code of Mullana Post Office (133203) along with Post Office type and contact address.

Pin Code of Mullana Post Office, Ambala, Haryana

Post Office Mullana S.O
Post Type S.O
Pincode 133203
Delivery Type Delivery
Division Ambala
Region Ambala HQ
Circle Haryana
Taluk Barara
District: Ambala
State: Haryana
Head Office Ambala G.P.O.
Contact Address: Postmaster, Mullana S.O, Ambala, Haryana, India (IN), Pin Code:-133203
Contact No. 01731-275459

Other Post Offices With Same Pin Code as Mullana in Ambala, Haryana

S.No. Post office Office type Delivery Pincode
1. Dhanaura B.O Delivery 133203
2. Gokal Garh B.O Delivery 133203
3. M.M.E.Complex Mulana S.O Non-Delivery 133203
4. Sohana B.O Delivery 133203
5. Thakar Pura B.O Delivery 133203

The following areas/localities come under Mullana Post Office, Ambala, HARYANA, and have the same Pin Code as Mullana - 133203.
Areas/Localities Areas/Localities
Ab Coop BankBalmiki Basti
BararaDevi Mandir Road
Harijan BastiHema Majra
Jatto Wala MohallaMain Bazar Mullana
Mpn CollegeNew Anaj Mandi
Parlok PalaceRajput Mohalla
Saini MohallaSd Engg College
SirasgarhState Ware House
TangailiTangla Road
Treasury Office