Pin code of Pipris Post Office, Sant Ravidas Nagar, along with its address, contact details & location.

Pipris Pin Code

The following table displays Pin code of Pipris Post Office (221401) along with Post Office type and contact address.

Pin Code of Pipris Post Office, Sant Ravidas Nagar, Uttar Pradesh

Post Office Pipris B.O
Post Type B.O
Pincode 221401
Delivery Type Delivery
Division Varanasi West
Region Allahabad
Circle Uttar Pradesh
Taluk Gyanpur
District: Sant Ravidas Nagar
State: Uttar Pradesh
Sub Office Bhadohi S.O
Head Office Varanasi Cantt H.O
Contact Address: Postmaster, Pipris B.O, Sant Ravidas Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India (IN), Pin Code:-221401

Other Post Offices With Same Pin Code as Pipris in Sant Ravidas Nagar, Uttar Pradesh

S.No. Post office Office type Delivery Pincode
1. Asanao Bazar B.O Delivery 221401
2. Bhadohi S.O Delivery 221401
3. Katra Bazar S.O Non-Delivery 221401
4. Munsiladpur B.O Delivery 221401
5. Raya B.O Delivery 221401
6. Sarroi B.O Delivery 221401
7. Uchetha B.O Delivery 221401

The following areas/localities come under Pipris Post Office, Sant Ravidas Nagar, UTTAR PRADESH, and have the same Pin Code as Pipris - 221401.
Areas/Localities Areas/Localities
Chak HemrajFattupur Dargah
Fatupur AmraunaGangapur
NaguaPiparis With Purwas